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Showing posts from October, 2023


A tick buried into the skin of reality, Sym'bluhns superficially resembles a giant, bloodsucking insect. Scabrous flesh covers the sides of its bloated, purple abdomen of gelatinous goo and quivering hairs as tall as a halfling. Sym'bluhns’ axe-like head always bears eight porcelain masks arranged five and three on the two halves of the head. These masks are ever-changing based on the thing’s needs or when it ‘gifts’ one to a creature. A pair of claws hang from its body, similar to lobster’s weapons but also made from leathery meat. When hungry, a sinuous tendril with a tooth-lined gullet slithers from its center mass and plunges into its prey. Sym'bluhns’ feeds on both living things' liquids and their sanity. It appears to only want to eat most of the time but clearly has other inscrutable plans for the real world. The masks it produces can be fused with other creature’s faces, dominating their will to serve the aberration’s needs. Sometimes this is to simply bring ...

The Condemnation of Enuk'Lun

Wearing a verdigris death-mask bearing a long-braided beard, this remnant of the sorcerer-king's forgotten empire still strives to bring judgment to all those who bow before false divinity. What exactly is false divinity? Why anything not cowering before the dread gaze of Enuk'Lun, of course. In life, the ghost was a chief inquisitor for the empire and the sentence was always death. Now, it wanders a landscape changed by centuries of history and refuses to let go of its devotion to the long-dead sorcerer-king. Rounding out its attire is a long robe curling on itself and edged with geometric patterns and fingerbone tassels. Its bare skull is partially covered by a conical headdress with cracked, grey gemstones. The bottom of the robe trails off into nothingness, though a clutch of hanging chains connecting to the rock he was drowned with can occasionally be seen. A singularly powerful ghost, the Condemnation of Enuk'Lun is utterly disgusted by the modern world and travel...

Madame Guillotine

In her true form, Madame Guillotine’s skin is a perfect porcelain hue with perpetually blushed cheeks, shadowed eyes, and ruby lips. Then again, her eyes are those of a goat, and behind those lips are needle teeth. Tiny horns peek from her golden curls as well as bat wings where her ears should be. Most notably, she lacks a neck but said wings keep her head aloft. She always dresses in the latest fashion with an affinity for ruffles that incorporate a wide one around her collar. Likewise, she ensures the skirt is voluminous enough to hide her whip-like tail and taloned feet. When engaged in combat, her dainty fingers extend into foot-long, vorpal claws. As a valued member of the King of Fools Cavalcade, Madam Guillotine has supported tyrannical regimes throughout mortal history. In mortal guise, she inserts herself as a courtesan and involves herself in every little conspiracy she can find seeking to topple the government. She always takes the role of a concerned noblewoman with a s...

The Praying Lord

The forest folk say the Praying Lord lived under the dark, thick canopy before even the gods came to be. They also say it will continue long after the last divine spark has burnt out. To venerate this primordial beast is to be granted bliss, to spurn its brutal love is to invite madness and death. Rarely glimpsed, even by its devout, the Praying Lord may be a massive insect. Shaped like three layered leaves, its abdomen changes hue with the season and sports four spindly, spined legs. The lord's thin thorax would better suit a man and is leathery instead of chitinous. A pair of long limbs with scything forearms sprout from its midsection. From its shoulders, a squirm of fleshy tendrils hangs. The thing's head can best be described as a ring of eyes about a severed neck, and its mouth is little more than a bloodless gash in the 'stomach' region of its thorax. The Praying Lord wants nothing more than to be fed and adored. Well, and the utter obedience of its followers. ...

The Star-Crossed

As an entity of pure light and radiation, it is hard to fathom exactly what the star-crossed wants. It is also hard to predict what it will do in any given circumstance because it perceives and reacts to stimuli differently than any flesh and bone creature would. However, most suspect is trying to either atone for, or fulfill the lives of a pair of lovers it accidentally obliterated when it arrived on this sphere. The couple, an elven male and human female, went out to watch falling stars not knowing one would fall on them in turn. The elemental can take the shape of either creature it reduced to atoms and in turn takes on quirks they may have had in life but only in a pantomime fashion. When threatened, or when it believes it is threatened rather, the star-crossed reverts back into its natural form of unidentifiable colors and drives off attackers with potent energy blasts and searing touches. If it takes too much damage, it lashes out with alien frequencies that temporarily twist th...

The Whisper Witch

The Whispering Witch is a sinister being deep within the woods near town. Local legend attests that she was once a mortal warlock who kidnapped children and sacrificed them to her demonic patron. Eventually, she was caught and executed for her crimes but did not lie quietly. In the generations since, many a murderer and sadists blamed the whispering witch's influence for their crimes or horrific events are blamed on her directly. The truth of the matter is, this is all the work of a single dark fey, who influenced the first 'witch' to bring her children to sell in the feywild. The fey let the catspaw take the fall for her actions and then stepped in to build a legend off of it. The Whispering Witch is a small hag coated in coal fur with spindly limbs and narrow features. However, not many have ever seen her as invisibility is her natural state. The Whisper Witch Small fey (devil), chaotic evil Armor Class 16 (natural armor) ...

The Witchgrinder

Suffer not the witch the live. This is the motto that the towering hunter clad in a black cloak and wide-brimmed hat lives by. No one is quite sure what bloodline of giants they came from, nor how they came across their strange abilities. All that really matters though, is the giant's utter hatred of warlocks, who it believes perverts the natural order of things by forging pacts with outsiders. There are many that feel the same and rally to the witchgrinder's cause. Most of those do not realize, however, that the giant grinds his victim's bones to make a special bread that provides him with his mage-hunting abilities. The Witchgrinder Large Giant, lawful evil Armor Class 14 (breastplate) Hit Points 112 (15d10 + 30) Speed 30ft Str 17 Dex 11 Con 15 Int 12 Wis 14 Cha 16 Saving Throws Con +5, Wis +5 Skills Arcana +4, Deception +9, Perception +5, Religion +4 Condition Immunities c...

Sin Pyre

Built from blood-soaked wood, the sin pyre looms over the guilty and innocent alike. Save, the construct has been instructed there are no innocents. Set loose in a region, its duty is to seek out secret sins wherever they may lie and burn them away until it burns out quite literally as well. Those wide to its nature do their best to avoid the sin pyre's path and also ensure it never gets set aflame. Alas, it's so very flammable. Cast in a vaguely humanoid shape to start, the construct's frame twists and rearranges as it moves to best navigate its terrain. Sometimes it has extra long legs, sometimes it has four, or eight, whatever is best to keep hunting the sinners that must burn. Sin Pyre Large Construct, neutral Armor Class 11 (natural armor) Hit Points 76 (8d10 + 32) Speed 30ft Str 17 Dex 9 Con 18 Int 6 Wis 14 Cha 5 Skills Insight +5 Damage Vulnerabilities fire Damage Imm...

Pendulum Mimic

Raised by a mad gnome trap-master (is there any other kind?), this species of mimic keeps an internal clock no matter what shape it takes. However, said shapes are limited to pendulums. Whether in a clock or a death trap, the mimic knows how running out time grips the hearts of other creatures and uses that to their advantage. They can also manipulate the timing of traps around them, making them perfect keepers for certain horrific tombs. Pendulum Mimic Medium Monstrosity (shapechanger), neutral Armor Class 13 (natural armor) Hit Points 67 (9d8 + 27) Speed 15 ft Str 18 Dex 12 Con 16 Int 5 Wis 14 Cha 8 Skills Stealth +5 Damage Immunities acid Condition Immunities prone Senses darkvision 60 ft., tremorsense 10 ft., passive Perception 12 Languages - Challenge 3 (700 XP) Shapechanger. The mimic can use its action to polymorph into a pendulum or back into ...

The Circle

Ten strange stones stand against the tides of time. Their caledonian green surfaces smoothed by erosion and scrolled with wide, curling curves devouring one another. Just beneath the soil's surface around them, one can find scores of bones; animal and humanoid. For the Circle ever hungers and its will dominates those destined to feed it. Set atop a hillside in two rough hemispheres, this megalithic structure almost looks like hands threatening to tear from the earth. In fact, in each paring one stone is stubbier than the other four. The Circle's origins are forever lost, but over generations, it has been a place of worship for sinister cults. It repays those who feed it with unholy miracles and can even manifest its will within a humanoid host for a time. One day, its gestation will finish, and sated, the Circle will sail the stars as its ancestor did. It will also leave behind a fresh clutch of ten... The Circle Gargantuan Construct, chaotic evil ...

Sable Billy

A polycerate goat with four horns in appearance, this fiend enjoys pretending to be a simple member of a herd while breaking down the shepherds who tend to it until their corrupted souls are ready to feast on. His dark, becoming coat is sought after for soft wool without those who wear it ever knowing they carry a piece of the Abyss with them. While Sable Billy proves capable in any fight, he prefers to make others bloody their hands. Those he cannot drive to murderous rage, he bewitches into. When push comes to shove, though, he can breathe out the very flames of hell and loves the taste of roasted humanoids as other sheep adore grass. Sable Billy Medium fiend, neutral evil Armor Class 13 (natural armor) Hit Points 82 (11d8 + 33) Speed 30ft Str 15 Dex 13 Con 16 Int 10 Wis 17 Cha 12 Saving Throws Dex +4 Skills Athletics +5, Deception +4, Religion +3 Damage Resistances acid, cold, f...

Lady Blackshield

Mercenary Knight Nobles of the Waning Court - The beauty of ripe fruit blended with the breach within autumn’s long shadows, every noble of the waning court is a vision to behold. Black, pupilless eyes dominate their fine-boned faces while sharp teeth lurk behind plush lips. The faeries’ ears are pointed like an elf’s, but slightly shorter. This is due to the antelope-like horns spiraling from their temples, the base of which are riddled with red-stained honeycombs. Waning court nobles wear their hair long, often braided with bones and sticks, and is a color of fall leaves. Their skin tone can best be described as bloodless. Commonly, these fey wear leathers cured of eldritch animals, cloaks made from a nightmare or displacer beast pelts, black iron plates, and amber adornments with petrified insects within. Most find their mien more savage than aristocratic. Stray direflies are their constant companions, always buzzing cryptic prophecies as they crawl about. While there are many ...

Mockingbird the Humorless

Mercenary Knight Nobles of the Waning Court - The beauty of ripe fruit blended with the breach within autumn’s long shadows, every noble of the waning court is a vision to behold. Black, pupilless eyes dominate their fine-boned faces while sharp teeth lurk behind plush lips. The faeries’ ears are pointed like an elf’s, but slightly shorter. This is due to the antelope-like horns spiraling from their temples, the base of which are riddled with red-stained honeycombs. Waning court nobles wear their hair long, often braided with bones and sticks, and is a color of fall leaves. Their skin tone can best be described as bloodless. Commonly, these fey wear leathers cured of eldritch animals, cloaks made from a nightmare or displacer beast pelts, black iron plates, and amber adornments with petrified insects within. Most find their mien more savage than aristocratic. Stray direflies are their constant companions, always buzzing cryptic prophecies as they crawl about. While there are many ...

Dame Bitterbreath

Knight of the Order of the Cold Heart Nobles of the Waning Court - The beauty of ripe fruit blended with the breach within autumn’s long shadows, every noble of the waning court is a vision to behold. Black, pupilless eyes dominate their fine-boned faces while sharp teeth lurk behind plush lips. The faeries’ ears are pointed like an elf’s, but slightly shorter. This is due to the antelope-like horns spiraling from their temples, the base of which are riddled with red-stained honeycombs. Waning court nobles wear their hair long, often braided with bones and sticks, and is a color of fall leaves. Their skin tone can best be described as bloodless. Commonly, these fey wear leathers cured of eldritch animals, cloaks made from a nightmare or displacer beast pelts, black iron plates, and amber adornments with petrified insects within. Most find their mien more savage than aristocratic. Stray direflies are their constant companions, always buzzing cryptic prophecies as they crawl about. ...

Faircrow the Vigilant

Knight of the Order of the Glean Nobles of the Waning Court - The beauty of ripe fruit blended with the breach within autumn’s long shadows, every noble of the waning court is a vision to behold. Black, pupilless eyes dominate their fine-boned faces while sharp teeth lurk behind plush lips. The faeries’ ears are pointed like an elf’s, but slightly shorter. This is due to the antelope-like horns spiraling from their temples, the base of which are riddled with red-stained honeycombs. Waning court nobles wear their hair long, often braided with bones and sticks, and is a color of fall leaves. Their skin tone can best be described as bloodless. Commonly, these fey wear leathers cured of eldritch animals, cloaks made from a nightmare or displacer beast pelts, black iron plates, and amber adornments with petrified insects within. Most find their mien more savage than aristocratic. Stray direflies are their constant companions, always buzzing cryptic prophecies as they crawl about. While...

The Barrow Guest

Knight of the Order of the Harbringer's Roar Nobles of the Waning Court - The beauty of ripe fruit blended with the breach within autumn’s long shadows, every noble of the waning court is a vision to behold. Black, pupilless eyes dominate their fine-boned faces while sharp teeth lurk behind plush lips. The faeries’ ears are pointed like an elf’s, but slightly shorter. This is due to the antelope-like horns spiraling from their temples, the base of which are riddled with red-stained honeycombs. Waning court nobles wear their hair long, often braided with bones and sticks, and is a color of fall leaves. Their skin tone can best be described as bloodless. Commonly, these fey wear leathers cured of eldritch animals, cloaks made from a nightmare or displacer beast pelts, black iron plates, and amber adornments with petrified insects within. Most find their mien more savage than aristocratic. Stray direflies are their constant companions, always buzzing cryptic prophecies as they craw...

Ser Skythistle

Knight of the Order of the Revealing Crackle Nobles of the Waning Court - The beauty of ripe fruit blended with the breach within autumn’s long shadows, every noble of the waning court is a vision to behold. Black, pupilless eyes dominate their fine-boned faces while sharp teeth lurk behind plush lips. The faeries’ ears are pointed like an elf’s, but slightly shorter. This is due to the antelope-like horns spiraling from their temples, the base of which are riddled with red-stained honeycombs. Waning court nobles wear their hair long, often braided with bones and sticks, and is a color of fall leaves. Their skin tone can best be described as bloodless. Commonly, these fey wear leathers cured of eldritch animals, cloaks made from a nightmare or displacer beast pelts, black iron plates, and amber adornments with petrified insects within. Most find their mien more savage than aristocratic. Stray direflies are their constant companions, always buzzing cryptic prophecies as they crawl ab...