In her true form, Madame Guillotine’s skin is a perfect porcelain hue with perpetually blushed cheeks, shadowed eyes, and ruby lips. Then again, her eyes are those of a goat, and behind those lips are needle teeth. Tiny horns peek from her golden curls as well as bat wings where her ears should be. Most notably, she lacks a neck but said wings keep her head aloft. She always dresses in the latest fashion with an affinity for ruffles that incorporate a wide one around her collar. Likewise, she ensures the skirt is voluminous enough to hide her whip-like tail and taloned feet. When engaged in combat, her dainty fingers extend into foot-long, vorpal claws.
As a valued member of the King of Fools Cavalcade, Madam Guillotine has supported tyrannical regimes throughout mortal history. In mortal guise, she inserts herself as a courtesan and involves herself in every little conspiracy she can find seeking to topple the government. She always takes the role of a concerned noblewoman with a soft heart for the plight of the oppressed, all the while directing the other devils of the cavalcade where to go to squash the rebellions she discovers. If a revolt grows too powerful to quietly smother, Madam Guillotine redirects the righteous rage back toward its heroes. She expertly assassinates them in the public consciousness and if need be, magically brands her target as moral criminals.
Madame Guillotine
Medium Fiend (devil), lawful evil
Armor Class
21 (natural armor)
Hit Points
252 (24d8 + 144)
Str 14 Dex 27 Con 22 Int 18 Wis 22 Cha 24
Saving Throws Dex +14, Cha +13
Skills Acrobatics +14, Deception +13, Insight +12, Performance +13, Persuasion +13
Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from nonmagical attacks not made with silvered weapons
Damage Immunities fire, poison, psychic
Condition Immunities charmed, frightened, poisoned
darkvision 120 ft., truesight 30 ft., passive Perception 16
Common, Infernal, telepathy 120 ft.
20 (25,000 XP)
When moving, Madame Guillotine can move through spaces occupied by other creatures and does not provoke Opportunity attacks.
Heads Will Roll.
When Madame Guillotine decapitates a creature with a claw attack on her turn, she can take a bonus action to move up to half its speed and make a claw attack with Advantage.
Freedom of Movement.
Madame Guillotine ignores difficult terrain, and magical effects can't reduce her speed or cause it to be restrained. She can spend 5 feet of movement to escape from nonmagical restraints or being grappled.
Magic Resistance.
Madame Guillotine has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects.
Magic Weapons.
Madame Guillotine's weapon attacks are magical.
Madame Guillotine makes four attacks: two with her claws, one with her tail, and one use of Rebuke.
Melee Weapon Attack: +14 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 17 (2d8 + 8) slashing damage. Madame Guillotine's claws ignore resistance to slashing damage and if she rolls 20 on the attack roll, she cut off one of the target's heads. The creature dies if it can't survive without the lost head. A creature is immune to this effect if it is immune to slashing damage, doesn't have or need a head, has legendary actions, or the GM decides that the creature is too big for its head to be cut off with this weapon. Such a creature instead takes an extra 27 (6d8) slashing damage from the hit.
Ranged Spell Attack: +13 to hit, range 90 ft., one target. Hit: 28 (8d6) psychic damage. In addition, the creature must succeed on a DC 21 Charisma save or be overwhelmed with regret for their past unlawful actions, however minor, and gain Disadvantage on attack rolls and skill checks until the end of their next turn.
Melee Weapon Attack: +14 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 24 (3d10 + 8) slashing damage.
Melee Spell Attack: +13 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 7 psychic damage. In addition, the creature is branded for the next 24 hours with an infernal rune which compels those around it to hate it. All other creatures within 30ft of the creature must succeed on a DC 21 Wisdom save or immediately become hostile to to the creature, though their hostility may manifest in different ways. Creatures already familiar with the target gain Advantage on this save. On success, a creature is immune to the Brand's effect against that target for the next 24 hours. The Brand can be removed with a Greater Restoration or like spell.
Change Shape.
Madame Guillotine magically polymorphs into a medium humanoid female, or back into her true form. Her statistics are the same in each form. Any equipment she is wearing or carrying isn't transformed. If Madame Guillotine dies, she reverts to her true form.
Heads Up (Recharge 6).
Madame Guillotine summons 10 (3d6) friendly vargouilles.
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