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Showing posts from September, 2023

Scaled Mimic

Is there anything more tempting to put one's hands on besides a ladder moving to the next level up or down? The scaled mimic understands this more than most. It has made its object form an ambush predator that uses height to perfection; a ladder. Not only can it pull a meal away from its friends, but it can dangle difficult ones over the abyss and let them drop. As the species developed, it also took on the strange bad luck that ladders seem to bestow. Save, it can do it in either form. These mimics don't mind at all as they find desperation adds a lovely spice to any food. Scaled Mimic Medium Monstrosity (shapechanger), neutral Armor Class 13 (natural armor) Hit Points 71 (11d8 + 22) Speed 15 ft Climb 10 ft Str 18 Dex 15 Con 14 Int 5 Wis 14 Cha 8 Skills Athletics +6, Stealth +6 Damage Immunities acid Condition Immunities prone Senses darkvision 60 ft, passive Perc...

Tapestry Mimic

This particular species of mimic wants to be adored and thinks that it is smarter than it actually is. It stems from the first tapestry mimic who was regaled for years while in that form by a vile count as to the count's (false) great deeds and (fictional) blessed bloodline. It tolerated the fellow thanks to the enemies and failed servants the count fed it. Eventually, the man's arrogance rubbed off the tapestry mimic as well. It could have also been because it ate him. Its brood presents fine heraldry and scenes from sagas that are always... a bit off-kilter. Again, they are not as smart as they think they are. Tapestry Mimic Medium Monstrosity (shapechanger), neutral Armor Class 12 (natural armor) Hit Points 82 (11d8 + 33) Speed 15 ft Climb 10 ft Str 17 Dex 12 Con 17 Int 7 Wis 13 Cha 16 Skills History +0, Performance +5, Stealth +5 Damage Immunities acid Condition I...

Bleeding Birler

Before Death swept the Kingdom, this zombie led a simple life. Hewing down mighty trees for lumber wasn't glorious nor profitable but it was honest work. Its only claim to fame was being the best at log rolling in folk competitions. The birler had thought it odd then when a pale, mysterious noble took interest in them. Still, they didn't mind their company and eventually, the necking session which left them weak and feverish. Perhaps they would have ended up a vampire spawn, but tragedy found them and so many others raised into undeath in a different way. The vampiric taint still clings to this shambler. Its wounds constantly bleed leaving it with slick read patches and an axe dripping half-congealed blood. Instead of chopping down trees, it fells the living all the while seeking that pale lover. -Records of the Charnel House Bleeding Birler Medium undead (zombie), neutral evil Armor Class 10 Hit Points 45 (6d8 + 18) ...

Netting Mimic

This particular mimic species has a rather unique origin. As polyps the first batch was caught in a giant spider's web soon after being spawned. Rather than being devoured by the arachnid, they turned into sticky strands amid the webwork. Not long after that, a group of adventurers slew said spider and moved on. The mimics had something to subsist on and kept their disguise to keep more bugs. When the spider's eggs hatched, instead of eating the young, the mimics were amused by the creatures and they protected them until they were large enough until to ride off to better climes. Eventually, these mimics took the shape of netting of all sorts: ship rigging, cargo nets, and so on as they were less conspicuous than spider webs. They still remain friends with things eight-legged. Netting Mimic Medium Monstrosity (shapechanger), neutral Armor Class 13 (natural armor) 52 (8d8 + 16) Speed 15 ft Climb ...

Knapping Mimic

What happens when a mimic gets dumped into a bag of holding? Well, it stops pretending to be whatever it was and starts to chew its way out. Not all of them, of course. Most go into stasis and those that awake often suffocate. But every once in a while, one digests the magic holding it. Thus, a knapping mimic is born. While it is limited to one magical form, it finds itself dragged all across the world with creatures that love to cause carnage. Carnage it can feast on. If worse comes to worse, well, adventurers are easy to eat when they are asleep. Knapping Mimic Medium Monstrosity (shapechanger), neutral Armor Class 11 (natural armor) 76 (9d8 + 36) Speed 20 ft Climb 10 ft Str 15 Dex 10 Con 18 Int 5 Wis 15 Cha 8 Skills Stealth +4, Survival +4 Damage Resistances cold Damage Immunities acid Condition Immunities prone Senses darkvision 60 ft, passive Perception 12 ...


Instead of being the usual sickly green and withered grey, Rubedo's pallor is one of a deep, consistent scarlet from exposed skull to bootless feet. An alchemist of some skill before Death swept the Kingdom, it attempted to stave off zombification by a hastily mixed concoction. Instead, it turned itself into a seeping, vile thing full of unbalanced humors. It still hungers for the flesh of the living like all of its kin. -Records of the Charnel House Rubedo Medium undead (zombie), neutral evil Armor Class 8 Hit Points 67 (9d8 + 27) Speed 20ft Str 15 Dex 6 Con 17 Int 12 Wis 6 Cha 5 Condition Immunities blinded, exhaustion, poisoned Damage Resistances acid, fire Damage Immunities poison Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 8 Languages understands Common, Elvish, and Gnomish but can't speak Challenge 3 (700 XP) ...