"Pretty obvious why they call this spirit Green Bones. What's not so obvious, at first, is that it's a ghost rather than some ambulatory collection of moldy marrow. Green Bones likes it that way, often gathering walkin' skeletons flensed by her thorns to serve as fodder. She even makes sure they grow fungus. Devious elf this one, though, her heart used to be in the right place instead o' chunks of it floatin' in her ribcage like crystalized ruby. Used to be a hunter o' monsters, she was. Still is, but her definition o' monster has just change a bit. Sometimes, she's grindin' vampires to bits n' the next night she's endin' villagers that took too much from the forest. More menace than help. Ya all know what to do." -Fossor Carvilius Graeme Green Bones Medium undead, chaotic neutral Armor Class 13 Hit Points 71 (11d8 + 22) Speed 0ft ...

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