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Showing posts from March, 2022

Slumber Mimic

The slumber mimic is a fundamentally lazy creature. Much like a content feline, it would rather snooze away its days, only rousing to obtain a snack and then soon return to whatever dreams the monstrosity dreams. As such, it always and can only take the shape of a bed. Sometimes this is a simple cot, other times four-post opulence. The result is the same, however, some poor creature comes along, rests its head, and never wakes up. So enamored is the slumber mimic of sleeping, and eating sleeping meals, it even developed the ability to force prey into that state. It can, and does, even consume some of its own essence to bewitched particularly resistant targets. Slumber Mimic Large monstrosity (shapechanger), neutral Armor Class 10 (natural armor) Hit Points 76 (9d10 + 27) Speed 15ft Str 18 Dex 9 Con 7 Int 5 Wis 13 Cha 14 Skills Stealth +3 Damage Immunities acid Condition Immunities ...

Lantern Shade

A paradoxical horror, the body of this undead creature consists of formless gloom left with a vague impression of squirming limbs while crackling lanterns dangle from a plethora of tendrils sprouting from its top. Within the lanterns, tortured witch-lights burn, tormented faces surfacing within the glow. Unforgiving Light. When the Fiend of the Moors , claimed his territory, he only faced one serious contender for control, an ancient hydra. The two creatures fought for weeks. The accursed ranger couldn’t stunt the growth of the hydra’s head, while the hydra couldn’t stop the vile revenant from rising again. Seeking an end to this stalemate, the Fiend assailed the reptile with a horde of undead beasts. Eventually, the hydra’s lifeforce was overcome by the enervating energies. The corrupted elf came to another obstacle; raising the hydra into his service. Eventually he found a way to bind it being to five will-o-wisps, and command the spectral terror which resulted, thought the la...

Gut Mimic

There once was a mimic that came across a troll downed by an adventuring party, but not finished off. At first, it found the feast delightful and filling, then it found it bloating and painful until its acidic bites finally finished the giant off. As the mimic explored the troll's guts, it found that some of the creature’s regenerative ability transferred over to it. This came at the expense that it could only turn into a long, spindly form. However, it also noticed that dungeoneers always carried rope, and often needed more than it packed in. So, the mimic formed its chosen disguise and its descendants inhabit many a dungeon today. Sometimes they even pretend to be a magical rope that regrows when cut, until the prey is dangling over an abyss and deliciously easy to devour. Gut Mimic Medium monstrosity (shapechanger), neutral Armor Class 14 (natural armor) Hit Points 65 (10d8 + 20) Speed 15ft ...

Muck Wraith

Cast in a humanoid shape, this pile of stagnant mud, blighted plants, and many stolen bones it is easy to mistake a Muck Wraith for a giant, undead horror covered in swamp muck. In truth, it is befouled elemental dredged up from a bog’s bottom. It always has a humanoid skull, or three, floating where its head is, arm and finger bones from a variety of beasts in its arms, and leg bits in its legs to maintain this deception. Bottom Feeder. Anxious to gather more undead horrors under his thrall, the Fiend of the Moors , scoured his dank domain for mortal remains he might use to construct a skeleton horde or the like. However, the accursed ranger found he didn't have the arcane skill needed for complex necromancy. At the same time, his mind was already degrading at a rapid pace. What he did discover is that he could corrupt the natural world around him in much the same manner which he'd created, accidently or otherwise, undead beasts. He took the tainted land and mishmash of ...

Wispy Crocodile

This long, ferocious reptile bears rigged, crackling scales across its ethereal blue body. Clearly a crocodile, the undead beast reminds one of a will-o-wisp, if one lives long enough after encountering its jaws. Not only do its fangs crush flesh and bone, they lance the prey with electric jolts generated within the wispy crocodile's unliving, ever-hungry core. Lightning on the Water. Once the Fiend of the Moors realized he could raise and resulpt the varied beasts of his domain, the elven horror sought out the largest crocodiles in the bog. Capturing them, though, proved difficult as the ancient reptiles recognized a greater predator and fled whenever the accursed ranger came near. So, the Fiend of The Moors employed will-o-wisps to entrance his targets before slaying them. However, he found when imbuing the crocodiles with unlife, that they came back resembling those vile balls of light. This pleased the bastard even more. Whispy Crocodile Large beas...

Headcage Mimic

A corpse is a terrible thing to waste, at least as this mimic breed is concerned. Some suspect they first evolved in the cramped halls of a bedlam, among the forgotten and insane. Often, the mad with violent tendencies were fitted with head cages to keep them under control. These mimics took that shape, and dug their tines deep into a victim’s cadaver so they might control it. Not only does this give them extra mobility, but prey often attacks the corpse first thinking it to be a zombie! It’s ever so easy for a headcage mimic to burst free when its ride has been damaged beyond repair, and jack another body nearby. Once there’s nothing living around, the mimic can eat carrion at its leisure, which it does sloppily to cover its current host in gore. Headcage Mimic Medium monstrosity (shapechanger), neutral Armor Class 12 (natural armor) Hit Points 82 (11d8 + 33) Speed 15ft Str 15 Dex 12 Con 1...

Fen Toad

Corpulent and putrid, the fen toad was massive in life only to swell up with brackish water, pus, and noisome glass. Its eye, in turn, shriveled to nothing leaving sockets empty save for pin pricks of witch light not unlike will-o-wisps in hue. A purple, sore-covered tongue hands from chapped lips. Deathless Glutton. The first fen toad swallowed the Fiend of the Moors , its poor amphibian brain thought the accursed elf was carrion instead of an undead terror. Instead of carving his way out, the fiend settled in the giant frog's gut and devoured its life force from within. In short order, the creature died. Not long after that, it returned to unlife under the Fiend of the Moor’s control and opened its mouth with all the ease of an inn door. The doomed ranger stepped out and sent the first fen toad out to infect and raise its kin. Fen Toad Large undead, unaligned Armor Class 10 Hit Points 45 (6d10 + 12) ...

Medusa's Mimic

Lovingly raised by a cold-blooded fiend, the medusa’s mimic gladly guards its ophidian mistress. This particular monstrosity plays at being a medusa’s victims and blends in with all the other stone statues scattered about. Too often, adventurers that make their way into a medusa’s lair are too worried about the lady of the house to pay much attention to the ‘art’ standing about. The medusa’s mimic uses this to its advantage, splitting the party up with phantom sounds before swiftly striking. It either drags its meal off to devour quietly or slays it and then takes the form of a still statue once more as the prey’s associates come near. Even after the medusa is slain, the mimics may linger on in the area. They are simple creatures after all. Medusa's Mimic Medium monstrosity (shapechanger), neutral Armor Class 14 (natural armor) Hit Points 67 (9d8 + 27) Speed 15ft Str 17 Dex 11 Con 16 In...