"Never a more rotten cretin ever took up the cloth than the Hound Priest. Now that's an empirical fact, that it is. If it wasn't the womanizing that damned his soul, it was the gambling. If it wasn't the gambling, it was the pilfering of church coffers. If it wasn't the stealing, then it was dog-fighting. If it wasn't the dog-fighting, it was training his hounds to kill men on command. Some say he even fed a few of his own babes, fathered out of wedlock, to those blasted curs. Whether that be true or not? I lean toward true myself given the nature of the man and the beasts that now follow him. Eventually, the locals got fed up with his crimes and stormed the temple he was tasked to look after. It was a bloody affair. Despite being soaked in inequity the cleric could still draw on divine, well profane, power. Good folk withered under his touch and bled out of every orifice under his curses. His hounds proved as dangerous as any war-dog and racked up kills...

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