Now a slime in the shape of a human an alluvium looks like it should fall apart at any moment. Beneath translucent skin a few connecting strands of grey muscle amid sea glass colored bones flex and twitch whenever the thing moves. Bloodshot eyes are held in place by piercing bone spurs with a thin film of ooze over them to keep from drying out. Intestines writhe below the organs like an agitated jellyfish. The rest of the semi-solid gel where meat once was resembles murky water. Patches of cilia sprout from the surface on the creature’s shoulders and sides, drinking in strange sensory data. The silt guard wears a burnished breastplate under a slick, leather greatcoat. While it wears armored boots and gloves the alluvium’s midsection is bare, displaying its gruesome core. It wears a helmet that includes a stylized half-mask with overly-exaggerated cheeks nose. In battle, a silt guard uses a pike of black iron and acid scorched wood. The creature can spit acid on command and under d...

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