There are three things that abandoned mines are full of: old tools, loot, and monsters. Your party decided to clear out a local one supposedly containing all three. Of course, treasure hunters who went in never came out. You've yet to figure out why. Sure, you've run across old, eaten carcasses and rusting tools but after hours of looking around no loot or monsters. Maybe your luck was changing though, as a corroded cart creaked into view at the edge of the torchlight. Loaded with glittering ore, something had to have pushed it but nothing is near it now. The party fanned out, approaching the abandoned cart and searching for whatever propelled it. Suddenly, the cart rocketed forward of its own volition, growing teeth and eyes as it jumped off the tracks, slammed into the wizard, and started spitting rocks at the rogue! The truth's unfolded, now it's time to roll initiative.
The skip mimic was fostered by miners who discovered the mimic polyp abandoned in their mine. They took to the strange creature despite its dangerous nature because it was willing to put in the work. Not only did it have a strong back, as it were, but it also kept them protected from the occasional bandit or wandering monster. In turn, they snuck extra food from their lunches to 'Skip' as they nicknamed it. Eventually, Skip settled on the shape of a mining cart and was pleased as pie to work alongside its family day in and day out. Then, the mine boss came. Skip wasn't sure why a fight broke out between the workers and the boss's men, but it knew who's side it was on. With the mimic's help, the workers won the day and began smuggling Skip's spawn to other mines to help with 'labor negotiations'. Thus skip mimics have spread far and wide.. but they don't always have other's interests at heart.
Skip Mimic
Medium undead (shapechanger), neutral
Str 18 Dex 14 Con 15 Int 8 Wis 13 Cha 8
Skills Stealth +6
Damage Immunities acid
Condition Immunities prone
Sensesdarkvision 60 ft, passive Perception 13
Languages -
Challenge 3 (700 XP)
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