As you approach the abandoned campsite, it doesn't seem that it's been that way for long at all. The fire pit in the middle still smolders, traces of smoke lifting into the air. Blood pools here and there. There's even an abandoned longsword not far from one of the tents. Speaking of the tents, they are battered and dusty. This doesn't mesh with the fresh signs of carnage. The firepit flares up, scorching your allies. Tendrils shoot from the ash, catching your leg and dragging you toward the ringed stones... or as it turns out an ember-filled maw.
The misbegotten polyp of a hearth or kiln mimic, a grill mimic spends its first years living a feral existence in the wilds. It infiltrates campsites or abandoned settlements because its prey often gathers near fires and is lazy enough to light them in the same place out of convenience. It can strike while a humanoid arranges wood and leaves to start a blaze. However, the monstrosity isn't harmed by fire. So, when the prey seems too numerous or powerful, it will bask in the flames and strike when only perhaps a lone adventurer is on watch. Some grill mimics mature, make their way into villages, or travel with adventurers. These become loyal companions. serving as a backyard or portable, well, grill as long as they are fed regularly. One should always be wary, however. A wild animal is always a wild animal, They can turn dangerous on a copper depending on conditions. Mimics are no different.
Grill Mimic
Medium Monstrosity (shapechanger), neutral
Armor Class
15 (natural armor)
Hit Points 67 (9d8 + 27)
15 ft
Str 16 Dex 12 Con 16 Int 5 Wis 14 Cha 122
Skills Stealth +5
Damage Immunities acid, fire
Condition Immunities prone
Sensesdarkvision 60 ft, passive Perception 12
3 (700 XP)
The mimic can use its action to polymorph into a grill, firepit, or back into its true, amorphous form. Its statistics are the same in each form. Any equipment it is wearing or carrying isn't transformed. It reverts to its true form if it dies.
Adhesive (Object Form Only).
The mimic adheres to anything that touches it. A Huge or smaller creature adhered to the mimic is also grappled by it (escape DC 13). Ability checks made to escape this grapple have disadvantage.
False Appearance (Object Form Only).
While the mimic remains motionless, it is indistinguishable from an ordinary grill or firepit.
The mimic has advantage on attack rolls against any creature grappled by it.
Well-Cooked (Object Form Only).
The mimic knows the temperature and state of any food cooked on it. It also automatically detects any diseases or poisons in the food.
The mimic makes two pseudopod attacks. The mimic can use Ashes to Eyeballs in place of one pseudopod attack.
Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d8 + 3) bludgeoning damage. If the mimic is in object form, the target is subjected to its Adhesive trait.
Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d8 + 3) piercing damage plus 4 (1d8) acid damage.
Flare Up (Recharge 4-6).
The mimic belches flame. All creatures within 5ft must succeed on a DC 12 Dexterity Save or take 10 (3d6) fire damage or half as much damage on a successful save.
Ashes to Eyeballs.
The mimic spits ash at one creature it can see within 30ft. The creature must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution save or be blinded for the next minute. At the end of each of its turns, the target can repeat this saving throw with the effect ending on success. If the creature uses an action to rinse its eyes, it gains Advantage on this save.
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