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Lady Farius (Primordial)

Lore24 Post for 1/2/24

Defeated by the Lost Lord, the Primordials are the first five creatures to come into existence as nothingness churning with chaos. Battered into slumber and imprisoned the the World Song, each Primordial seeks to seize the abandoned reins of creation as their own and forge a new reality as they see fit using their bard-filled warbands. Each knows their siblings plan to do the same and will stop at nothing to come out on top. Why not work together and compromise? Because fuck them, that’s why.

Lady Fairus, the Font of Bones

Instrument: Drums

Appearance: Bald woman with tight, gray skin hugging tight to her thin body, some bone showing through. Wears a leather greatcoat with many buckles, big brass buttons, and spiked studs. Tall biker boots with bones on side, leather pants, and a ripped t-shirt over her bust. Her symbol is branded onto her stomach. Still sexy despite her corpse like manner. Carries bone drumsticks, likes to beat them against things. Positive Aspects: Order and History

Negative Aspects: Living Death and Uniformity

Venues: The Ossuarium (Stadium), The Boneyard (Outdoor), The Tannery (Dive Bar)

Fame bonuses:

Signed (level 1) - The Warband gains 4 skeletons as roadies that follow their orders.

Opening Band (level 2) - The Warband becomes hard to poison

Headliner (level 3) - The Warband gains 2 massive skeletons as additional roadies and some necromancer shit.

Superstars (level 4) - Warband members can drain life as quick as they drain brews.

Rockgods (level 5) Warband members never get exhausted and are really hard to kill. Holy water and that sort of thing hurts real bad. Sunlight sucks.


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