Settled halfway between the Font of Bone and the Font of Frost, Coldgrave's name is most fitting. This rings true for most of the last bastions of civilization clinging to what's left of the world. Nuance died along with almost everything else long ago. Being influenced by two Primordials of Order, Coldgrave comes across as sterile at first glance. Every last one of its structures begins as a retrofitted columbarium or mausoleum that is then linked to a network of tunnels. See, the surface of Coldgrave is a frigid, unpleasant place where the sun never seems to shine and the frost never melts. Those who live here would rather exist in something close to an ant colony than constantly fight against the chill. That isn't to say that there is no surface activity to speak of, but most activity occurs under the ground. There is only one place to play here, The Longest Ship, constructed from a beached cargo vessel. The outside of the club is adorned with rune-scribed shields and a bolted-on dragon masthead. The interior is decorated with tapestries and heated by funeral pyres. More than a few Warbands that ate shit on stage have ended up as 'firewood' to keep the patrons warm.
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