Legendary Plucker
Expressionless and dull, the plucker still exudes a menace despite its placid features and mute manner. The three-foot-tall fey's glassy eyes remind one of a corpse, but are still wet and alive. Though once mortal, the plucker's years in the feywild have marked it with honeycomb scars, vestigial antennae, and a long, hooked nose. It wears a simple robe of rough, red cloth tied with a slip of leather. The plucker is never far from its bag and can never be swayed from its duty to the harvestman that made it.
Did we say never? Never say never.
Soul Bag. This patchwork bag of garish colors is crafted from the plucker's flayed away soul and personality. Despite being an interdimensional vessel its size never changes, roughly that of a sack of grain. A plucker never has difficulty lifting its bag and always knows where it is.
The Rightful Heir. Everyone in the kingdom has heard the tale of a strawberry blond princess who was snatched by the fair folk because she wandered away from her keepers following pretty spider webs among the flowers. It’s a cautionary yarn to keep children at their mother’s skirts. It may also be a true story but like so many others, distorted in fiction. What is true, is that a strawberry-blond-haired plucker wearing a crown of rusted iron and spiderwebs has returned to the land. Wearing a tattered gown and a vicious smile, Strawberry sets herself far apart from other pluckers. She and her ‘court’, other pluckers and lesser fey, have begun a guerilla war within the kingdom’s cities with a clear intent to usurp the government. Does she merely seek to take back what was once hers, or does she have an even more sinister motive? Either way, the waning court clearly fears her as well and they do not fear much. However, never think the enemy of mine enemy is your friend where Strawberry is concerned.
medium fey, lawful evil
Str 12 Dex 16 Con 14 Int 12 Wis 13 Cha 18
Damage Resistances
bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from nonmagical attacks not made with silvered weapons
Condition Immunities charmed
darkvision 60ft, passive Perception 11.
Door Stride.
Once on her turn, Strawberry can use 10 feet of her movement to step magically into one open door within her reach and emerge from a second open door within 60 feet of the first tree, appearing in an unoccupied space within 5 feet of the open door. Both doors must be Medium or bigger.Innate Spellcasting (3/day.
The Plucker can innately cast Sleep (Spell DC 15), requiring no material components. Its innate spellcasting ability is Charisma. The Plucker casts this spell at 1 spell slot higher for each medium creature in its bag, or 1 spell slot higher for every 2 small creatures in its bag, or 4 spell slots higher for each large creature in its bag. No matter the number of creatures in the plucker's bag, this cannot be cast higher than 9th level.Noble Mien.
As long as she is not Incapacitated, Strawberry gains a bonus to her Armor Class equal to her Charisma bonus, factored above.
Plucker Sack.
The plucker's sack is an interdimensional space not unlike a bag of holding but can only hold humanoid creatures of large or smaller size. A plucker sack can hold up to 10 medium humanoids, 20 small humanoids, or 2 large humanoids. A humanoid must be incapacitated or willing to be placed in a plucker sack. While in the sack creatures stabilize if dying, do not age, and does not need food, water, or air. The creature becomes incapacitated if it is not already. When the plucker dies the bag rapidly decays away and a creature ends up prone in the nearest unoccupied square.
At the start of its turn the plucker regains a number of hit points equal to the number of humanoids in its plucker sack, as long as it is holding it. The plucker dies only if it starts its turn with 0 hit points and is not holding its sack, or the sack has no humanoids in it.
Rebel Princess.
Strawberry can communicate telepathically with any plucker allied with her within 1 mile and counts as those pluckers Harvestman for the purpose of their Leashed ability.Actions
The plucker makes two attacks.
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