The size of a horse and covered in offal-brown chitin specked with green, the hagbeetle’s insectoid face lays hidden under a wide, armored plate. Said plate looks like a crone’s face, stretched horrifically wide complete with a crooked nose of a horn and beady eyes – which are actually the bug’s. Its antennae and the sensory hair around it form a grey, scraggly mane. The ‘face’ parts, revealing sharp mandibles whenever the hagbeetle bites its prey or hisses. That bone-jarring sound reminds one of the raspy, ravenous breathing of a hag.
Guardian. While the hagbeetle is a hungry and hateful thing, it bounds to the cult it is gifted to as a hag does to its coven sisters. This is easy to explain, as the hagbeetles are cultivated by hags loyal to the waning court within the feywild. Occasionally, one is brought to the mortal plain to assist a waning cult. Raised from a young age by the cultists it becomes fiercely protective of them. Every other living thing, however, is fair game for its malignant appetites.
Large beast, chaotic evil
Fly 20 ft
Str 18 Dex 15 Con 16 Int 8 Wis 16 Cha 10
Skills Perception +5
Damage Resistances thunder
Sensestremorsense 30ft, passive Perception 15
Languages understands Sylvan but cannot speak
Challenge 2 (450 XP)
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