Bloated by zombified yeast and endless bile, this shambler wanders the trade district where he died searching for undead patrons to 'serve' and living things to kill. Wearing a soiled apron, carrying broken mugs, and with a barrel strapped to its back, it's easy to tell this beast's living profession. Oozing boils dot its pallid skin, leaking skunked ale. From the way it sways instead of shuffles, it's not hard to imagine that this zombie is drunk. Likewise, it seems fueled by booze-fueled rage despite being dead. Too many slayers have fallen to its flying fists or vile spew.
-Records of the Charnel House
The Brewer
Medium undead (zombie), neutral evil
Str 15 Dex 6 Con 17 Int 6 Wis 12 Cha 8
Condition Immunities
charmed, exhaustion, exhaustion, poisoned
Damage Immunities poison
darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 10
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