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Showing posts from November, 2022

Ornamental Mimic

These particular mimics were always jealous of gnomes. For some reason, this strain of monstrosity thought the diminutive humanoids were the pinnacle of creation. However, they couldn't very well change into gnomes... Imagine their delight when they first laid eyes on lawn ornaments and lo-and-behold there were ones that looked like little gnomes with pointy hats, beards, and rosy cheeks. The whole lot of mimics changed int a fresh batch of garden gnomes and soon enough spread across the region. They always travel and hunt in packs. They also realized how to make that hat -very- pointy. Ornamental Mimic/h1> Tiny monstrosity (shapechanger), neutral Armor Class 13 Hit Points 16 (3d4 + 9) Speed 15ft Str 5 Dex 17 Con 17 Int 5 Wis 11 Cha 14 Skills Stealth +7 Damage Immunities acid Condition Immunities prone Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 10 Languages -...

Noose Fiend

Bearing an eyeless executioner's hood that doesn't quite fit its head, the noose fiend's grim, lipless smile full of fangs is the last thing many a hero sees as the light goes dark. The fiend's flesh is rubbery, white, and stretched thin across a gangly frame. A noose hangs like a bolo about its neck with dozens more crisscrossing its body forming a tight cuirass, bracers, and shinguards of greasy rope. A handful of loose loops always hang ready to catch necks. There is nothing the noose fiend hates more than sinners, and in its covered eyes, every mortal is a sinner true. It finds a sturdy orchard to corrupt, make its lair, and string up as many sinful victims as it can muster. The worst part is, some of its victims don't stay dead. Instead, they animate as swaying carcasses eager to feed stolen breath to their infernal hangman. Noose Fiend Medium fiend, neutral evil Armor Class 18 (natural armor) Hit Points ...


A beautiful woman with the lower half of a diamond-back rattlesnake, the six-shooter always brings a quick smile and a quicker draw to sun-backed scrublands. They keep their hair wild and long beneath battered cowboy hats and often wear embroidered waistcoats, crisscrossed gunbelts studded with jewels, and dusty ponchos of complex designs. Most humanoids find them beguiling creatures despite their plainly demonic nature... and six arms. It's easy to assume a relation between the marilith's of the Abyss and the sidewinders that ride the Demon Wind. Both fiends violently dismiss this notion. While mariliths are domineering leaders of demon armies, six-shooters are independent creatures that value their freedom above all else. They travel to the mortal realms on the Demon Wind not to gather souls but to seek the best gunfighters for a challenge. This almost always ends with the six-shooter adding the slain mortal's sidearm to her trophy collection. While the six-shooter ri...

Aperture Mimic

A lover of the nighttime sky, the first aperture mimic sought various ways to get a better look at the heavens until it finally came across a telescope. It found copying the glass within quite difficult, despite its nature. The monstrosity sought out a wizard just mad enough to aid its quest and found one surprisingly quick. There are many a mage willing to make a mess of things to satisfy their curiosity. With the magical enhancement, the mimic not only got the view of the stars it desired but a clearer vision than any creature should have. It also learned how to focus light into a destructive force and burned the wizard to a crisp before feasting on what remained. Aperture Mimic/h1> Medium monstrosity (shapechanger), neutral Armor Class 14 (natural armor) Hit Points 75 (10d8 + 30) Speed 15ft Str 17 Dex 12 Con 16 Int 5 Wis 16 Cha 12 Skills Stealth +5 Damage Resistances radiant Damage ...

Spellbound Mimic

Bound in leather and comprised of enchanted vellum, well, when it wants to be, the spellbinder mimic is pleased as peach to be a useful tool. Carried by spellcasters who find the mimics' ability to create new pages as directed invaluable, the monstrosities also serve as potent protectors for the usually fragile sorts. No one can quite say where the first spellbinder mimic came from, but now and again they are stumbled on with forgotten towers and sealed ruins. At first, though, they are hungry creatures with a taste for the brawny but dumb. A few horrified wizards have been ‘adopted’ by a mimic after watching it devour their martial companions. It’s disturbing how many spellcasters get over the ‘incident’. Spellbound Mimic SMallmonstrosity (shapechanger), neutral Armor Class 15 (natural armor) Hit Points 90 (12d8 + 36) Speed 15ft Str 15 Dex 14 Con 14 Int 16 Wis 13 Cha 8 Skills Stealth +6...

Bibliophile Mimic

Not all mimic variations come to their current state due to their own desires and evolution. The bibliophile mimic, for example, comes from the meddling of a possibly-mad wizard. In this case, the wizard wanted to ensure that his grimoires, scrolls, and personal papers were well protected. To that end, he layered enchantment after enchantment upon a tamed mimic. The resulting monstrosity not only could leech off the power of spell books on its shelves but also become smart enough to sling those very same spells in defense of its wares. Over time, the mimic had offspring which the wizard traded to allies and rivals for various magic wares. Now it is not uncommon to see these variations across the realm. As for the first bibliophile mimic, most say that while its creator is long dead, the monstrosity lives on. It now inhabits and controls that wizard tower, creating clones and emissaries to keep up the cover of an archmage. Bibliophile Mimic Medium monstrosity (shapechan...