Analepcticians were supposed to be the cure, not the disease. Tailored by someone part snake oil salesman, part alchemist, and zero-percent morals, the first doses of the distilled crystals they found on a distant frontier provided immediate mental and physical relief. It turned out this wasn't because it was a medicine. Oh no. The crystal is a non-organic ‘fungus’ that eventually takes over its host while budding cysts full of spores. Depending on the arrangement of veiny crystalline growths, an analeptician projects different manners of psychic resonance. Their goal is always the same, to spread the infection and destruction.
As the weakest of its kin, the follyfinder most resembles the humanoid it birthed from. That is not to say that lurking horror isn't hideous. Crystal cysts cover its arms and chest, with the rotting remnants of its clothes and skin clinging like fabric caught on barbwire. Its face is forever fixed in a crooked, open smile with its wide eyes and teeth replaced with more cysts. Lastly, its hands are reduced to crystal talons ready to rip and tear. The follyfinder has no favored prey. Rather, they cavort and convulse in the wake of more powerful elementals.
Analeptician Follyfinder
Medium elemental (analeptician), chaotic evil
Str 14 Dex 18 Con 18 Int 7 Wis 20 Cha 16
Damage Resistances psychic
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 12
Languages understands analeptician but cannot speak
2 (450 XP)
Crystalline Cysts. Disease
Whenever a creature afflicted with Crystalline Cysts ends a long rest, they must succeed on a DC 14 Constitution save or recover 1 less Hit Die than normal for every long rest they have had their current Crystalline Cyst infection. The creature develops one additional crystalline cyst, a hard protrusion of analeptician crystal. If a creature recovers no Hit Dice by failing this save, the infection takes over, the creature dies and arises as an analeptician variant as determined by the Game Master. Generally, the more cysts formed, the more powerful the resulting analeptician will be
On a successful save, the infection ends and all cysts fall harmlessly off of the body as inert rocks.
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