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Showing posts from February, 2022

10ft Mimic

This clever subset of mimics noticed there is one thing dungeoneers never leave home without, but always seem to lose, a trusty 10ft pole. As such, they evolved specifically around imitating this vital piece of equipment. While thin, this left the monstrosity quite large over all, and food willing puts their hands on it! What could be better? Why, wrapping around one’s prey! The mimic then uses the trapped creature like a tethered truncheon, smashing it against the wall or other foes until everything is well and tenderized. 93 (11d10 + 33) Large monstrosity (shapechanger), neutral Armor Class 10ft Mimic Hit Points 93 (11d10 + 33) Speed 15ft Str 17 Dex 10 Con 16 Int 7 Wis 13 Cha 8 Skills Stealth +4 Damage Immunities acid Condition Immunities prone Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 11 Languages - Challenge 3 (700 XP) Shapecha...

Slough Snake

The pallid wyrm measures in excess of ten, ragged feet; its scales translucent and the meat beneath nigh-insubstantial. Whether gliding in water, over land, or through solid objects, the serpent is practically silent. Not completely silent, however, as a subtle wheeze comes from the undead snake, though the sound is not ophidian in nature. Instead, it reminds one of the last gasps of a dying man. Clutch of the Grave. The great constrictors of the mire were the first creatures the Fiend of the Moors. were drawn to after his damnation. They were also the first lives he consumed to fuel his undead state. A ranger in life, however, the Fiend learned how to keep enough of the serpents’ souls intact so he might raise them as deathless companions. Like their creature, the slough snakes crave the heat of the living, coiling around their victims, and squeezing until that delicate flame is extinguished. Slough Snake Huge undead, unaligned Arm...

Compass Mimic

Every mimic takes perverse joy in deceiving others until it is time to strike. This miniature strain, being a mote smarter than the average mimic, finds sadistic pleasure in the act instead. As such, it has chosen to imitate navigator tools, most commonly a compass. More troublesome, the compass mimic has developed the ability to befuddle its prey in a myriad of ways. Its mere presence confuses a creature’s sense of direction, and once the monstrosity exerts its will it can even turn foes against one another. Once revealed, the compass mimic addles its meals, burrowing into its internal cavity before the poor creature can even react. Then it can feast at its leisure.  Compass Mimic Tiny monstrosity (shapechanger), neutral Armor Class 15 (natural armor) Hit Points 40 (9d4 + 18)) Speed 05ft Str 5 Dex 18 Con 15 Int 6 Wis 17 Cha 18 Skills Stealth +8, Survival +7 Damage Immunitie...

Swarm of Bilge Barnacles

Scuttering along one spindly legs, these crustaceans are covered with a white shells covered in a series of spherical clusters and spines. The middle of its shell contains a mandibled mouth ringed by tiny eyes, while the underside of its ‘head’ envelopes a leech-like mouth. Once they latch onto a creature, the shells slice up the flesh while the legs dig in deep. The clusters make it hard to dislodge the creatures, even more so as they convert a victim’s bones into additional shell. Bloodborne Parasite. These foul beasts began as normal barnacles along a boat hull as the vessel sailed, and then sank in a noisome swamp. Instead of shriveling up and dying, these crustaceans adapted to survive. FIrst they latched onto lesser undead and drained their juices before being discovered by the Fiend of the Moors. The cursed ranger proceeded to breed and refine the profane creatures, gifting them with a thirst for blood only outdone by actual vampires. Like the other corrupted beasts in the ...

Heart-Shaped Mimic

This mimic species knows there is nothing more intoxicating than love, and there is no easier prey to take down than those under the influence, as it were. To that end, it copies a tempting box of sweets embellished with ribbons with the silhouette of a heart. This heart-shaped mimic has also developed the ability to charm its foes through psionic wavelengths. Sometimes it uses this to lure a meal in close for one a good chomp. When hunting more dangerous prey, it will trick a charmed creature into picking it up and convince it to defend the mimic with its life. Heart-Shaped Mimic Small monstrosity (shapechanger), neutral Armor Class 13 (natural armor) Hit Points 60 (11d6 + 22) Speed 15ft Str 16 Dex 14 Con 15 Int 7 Wis 8 Cha 18 Saving Throws Wis +1, Cha +6 Skills Insight +1, Stealth +6 Damage Immunities acid Condition Immunities charmed, prone Senses darkvision 60 ft....

Ballistic Mimic

Perhaps one of the oddest mimic breeds, the ballistic mimic loves the crash and thunder of combat almost as much as it loves eating. Its digestive system, as elusive and strange as any other shapeshifting aberration, produces a particularly volatile acid which ignites when exposed to oxygen if expelled at a high enough speed. This allows the mimic not only to imitate a siege weapon more effectively, but also cooks its prey, which it prefers. Most often, the ballistic mimic takes on the shape of a cannon with a great roaring mouth ‘cast’ at the end its barrel and baroque wheels. In areas where such items are unheard of, it will pretend to be a self-lighting ballista instead. To deal with multiple enemies, or wily ones, this mimic sports a most disgusting ability, that of generating and spitting a spread of polyps that explode into a tar-like mass on impact. It is not unheard of for pirate crews to cultivate ballistic mimics, feeding them prisoners taken in exchange for firepower. ...

Mimic of Chance

Luck is a fickle, fluid thing, and that's what these tiny mimics love about it most. Taking the shape of dice, cards, and other gambling sets, these unique aberrations can disperse their bodies into a collection of similar objects. It’s not unheard of for a mimic of chance to shuffle itself into another gambling set, carefully consuming the articles it imitates. GIven its size, the mimic of chance prefers easy meals. It uses its alien mind to influence those playing its game, as it were, to take reckless actions such as cheating or betting more than they should until violence or self-harm occurs. Then it gobbles up the results. From time to time, however, a mimic of chance will bind with a gambler, usually a sardonic corrupt soul. Its nature helps the player amass prestige and wealth, while the gambler ensures that the miniature mimic never goes hungry. Mimic of Chance Tiny monstrosity (shapechanger), neutral Armor Class 15 (natural a...