Listing on the waves, lurking in the fog, scaled into legend, phantom ships draw the curious and greedy like moths to a flame. In the case of a maritime mimic, the result is much the same; the inquisitive are consumed. This mammoth aberration slumbers in coastal shoals while digesting its meals and waiting for its spawning polyps to ripen. Once it grows hungry, or ready to release its young, the maritime mimic takes to the waves. Sometimes it demolishes actual ships that come near, other times it lays in wait while explorers come aboard to feed its myriad children. Most insidiously, it will stuff its hull with sunken loot, mixing in many of the mimic produced amid the plunder, so they can be carried off to fresh hunting grounds by the unsuspecting. The maritime mimic usually has as favored vessel it adopts the visage of, but the most wily of this breed updates its hull through the ages. Maritime Mimic Gargantuan monstrosity (shapechanger), neutral ...

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