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Bryne Regional Effects and Magic Items

For use with the Bryne

Bryne Regional Effects.

When the bryne are on the move and invading their coastal neighbors, their very presence twists and intensifies the local weather. One or more of the three effects below effect the landscape up to a 10 mile radius from the main body of the bryne raiding party. Once the giants are slain or driven off, the effects fade within one hour. However, if a cromlech is left behind, a lesser version may linger for months or even years until it is removed.

1. Unnatural storms lash the region. Cold rain falls from star-smothering clouds. The wind whips the water to a stinging velocity, breaks branches, damages fences and roofs. Outdoor travel is not impossible, but difficult and uncomfortable. Without the aid of a ranger, a traveler covers about half the regular distance per day before they risk exhaustion. Ranged weapons have their distance halved before penalties apply. Exposed flames are quickly doused and local fauna goes to ground.

2. Navigational tools and survival tactics go awry due to standing stones the giants carry. Reality itself is not warped, per say, but it becomes harder for those skilled in such things to read the muddled signs properly. Survival checks in the area suffer Disadvantage, and travelers have double the chance to become lost. Bird flocks travel in strange, swarmed directions as their senses are thrown off as well. Livestock in general is unsettled and prone to lashing out in fear.

3. Unnatural salty fog covers the area and spawns tormented souls within. Outdoor travel is hampered. Without the aid of a ranger, a travel covers about three-fourths of regular distance per day before they risk exhaustion. Seeing more than 60ft proves impossible. The salty content in the air leads to chapped lips, skin irritation and stinging in exposed wounds. If that wasn't bad enough, the recently dead covered by the fog often rise as roaming skeletons and zombies. Such undead creatures suffer not from the fog's obscurement.

Bryne Magic Items.

The Basalt Eye.

Rare Wonderous Item. Requires Attunement. Form: A sphere of rough basalt slightly larger than a human fist. An eye is carved into one side of it.

The Basalt Eye has 6 charges. By brandishing the eye as an action, the wielder can expend 1 charge and restore 13 (3d8) hit points to an undead creature they can see within 30ft. The stone regains 1d4 charges at each sunset. If all charges are expended, the eye crumbles to dust on a roll of 1 on 1d20. In addition, the wielder can cast the Toll the Dead spell with a caster level equal to half of their character level. This spells uses Wisdom as its spellcasting stat.

Osth's Skull.

Very Rare Wonderous Item. Requires Attunement. Form: A petrified skull that resembles that of a bull with a slimy, blue gem embedded in the forehead.

Once every 36 hours, the owner of this item can summon an Auroch (vgm 207) of petrified bone that responds to their verbal commands as an action. This creature counts as undead instead of a beast and has damage resistance against bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from non-magical attacks. Once summoned, the auroch rolls its own initiative and remains for 1 hour or until the skull's owner is killed, whichever comes first.

Every time the skull's owner kills a humanoid while possessing Osth's Skull, the recharge time of the magical item is reduced by 1 hour.

Salt of Man

Common Magic Item. One use.

Form: A bag of ground-down bones from a humanoid adult of any gender, approximal 2 ounces worth.

The bag's contents can be consumed as an action. For the next 10 minutes, a creature that does so gains resistance to necrotic and poison damage. They also have Advantage on saving throws against disease and being poisoned. However, during the same period whenever the creature is targeted by a spell that recovers hit points, they only heal half as much.


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