More on the Brood
Black chitin horns curl away from the humanoid’s temples and under its pointed ears in the same manner as a ram’s. Likewise, the brood’s facial structure vaguely resembles a goat with a wide-flat nose and pointed chin. The creature is covered in fine, black downy from head to chitin hoof with a head of wild hair. One might mistake the brood for a satyr if not for its straight, human-like legs and blood-red furrow running from nap to sacrum filled with twitching cilia. Despite its aberrant nature, most would describe the brood as becoming. Other humanoids find something sensual and primal about the feral creature that is all too compelling.
The typical brood dresses in flowing, risque clothing. They enjoy the freedom of movement it grants, the attention it garners, and the ease of removal provided. Most brood are proud of their bodies, no matter what ‘flaws’ it might have as every last cell is a gift of the Dark Mother. They are each an example of Her divine perfection and to hide their form is to demean Her grace. Some brood prefer bright, contrasting colors to their dark fur while others lean into an almost gothic attire depending on individual preference.
The brood tamer wears a loose-fitting smock of rich fabric, the collar and cuffs trimmed with exotic furs. Often, they will augment this with a leather harness and a shell-pauldron or two. The back of the garment ties in such a way to leave the back open, so their extra-sensory cilia can properly function. Armed with a crook of enchanted bone and crystal, the tamer is ready to fight alongside its well-trained abberations and monstrosities.
Brood Tamer
Medium humanoid (Brood), any alignment (usually chaotic)
Str 14 Dex 15 Con 13 Int 11 Wis 16 Cha 14
Damage Resistances psychic
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 10
Alien Tether.
Whenever the brood tamer Moves it may then use its Bonus action to make a musical note that immediately allows a friendly aberration or monstrosity within 30ft to make a free Move. The brood cannot use this ability if it is Silenced.
Anathema Bond.
The brood can use the Wisdom (Animal Handling) skill on Aberrations and Monstrosities. The brood's Animal Friendship spell can also affect Aberrations and Monstrosities with an Intelligence of 3 or less.
Innate Spellcasting.
The brood is a 4th level spellcaster with a spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 13, +5 spell attack modifier). The brood can innately cast the following spells, requiring no material components:At Will: Shillelagh
1/day: Animal Friendship, Hex
The brood tamer makes two attacks.
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