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The Timberlands: Session Three

Session Three

Deeper into the Ziggurat

An untamed frontier. Dark cults. Fickle fey gods. Ravenous fiends. Nothing black powder and sorcery won't fix... . Timberlands Campaign Diary

After a brief respite the party of explorers struck back out into the winding halls of the ancient ziggurat once more. It wasn't long, though, before they realized that during their rest the ruin's guardians had awoken. In a room previously explored they ran into a wandering Abriter of Enuk'lun (reskinned Earth Elemental Myrmidon) and then in the adjoining hall a Watcher of Enuk'lun (reskinned flameskull) assailed them. Beaten and burned the heroes moved with great caution, voiding further constructs and undead as best they could.

They discovered a crystal sculpture of the sorcerer-king Enuk'lun, in all his glory with one foot up on a pyramid of his rival's skulls. The sculpture had a hand outstretched in an odd way and a trace of conjuration magic upon it. They only discovered its purpose further in the dusty halls. First, however, they investigated a now-dry ritual bathing room adorned with lewd statues of nubile men and women for supplicants to hang their clothing on. Much to the half-orc Oyrm's chagrin, the various oils and tinctures stored there had long since soured.

From there they came across the room of prophecy, which Orym was compelled to find from an earlier trap's geas. In the middle of the room was the corpse of a prophet fallen on his own sword. The cadaver held an unrolled scroll in hand and a sinister spellbook on his hip. While the scroll was in the Tongue of Enuk'lun as soon as Orym lifted it the ink shifted in front of his eyes into orcish. The strange prophecy read "The End of Time: And so the Temple will fall and with it the Glory of Enuk'Lun. Without His kingly gaze Ruin will sweep across the forests and plains like a Swarm of Wasps. Every citizen will be Ruin's nest. Every city, Ruin's food. History will end. Silence will follow it once the Weeping Masses are Reaped."

Three unbroken hands clasped three other prophecies, but the heroes have yet to unseal them. Orym knows he must break open the second, but is not sure which it is. The other three titles read the following: There is Always a Crop, The Greatest Blasphemy is the Truth, and The Ending from Beginnings.

However, Sykes the rouge discovered one of the massive skulls hid a secret door and tunnel behind. Following the trap-laden tunnel led to a secret treasure room guarded by three Blades of Enuk'Lun (reskinned Helmed Horror). Among the gems and jewels as another crystal statue of the sorcerer-king Enuk'lun along with an amulet stamped with his grim visage. They realized the amulet could activate the statue which would teleport them to different spots in the ziggurat. However, by then the heroes were wounded and exhausted all so they elected to settle in for a long rest in this safest of spots. The wizard, Siegfried, took the time to read over the spellbook and discovered it held ancient blood rituals.


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