In your lineage lurks a trace of undead corruption born in collapsed graveyards and charnel houses. With the ghoulish blood comes a taste for humanoid flesh, especially if its had a few days to rot in a damp casket. Generally, ghoulish families are insular clans. Some hide at the edge of civilization such as necropolis dwellers or swamp folk. In an urban environment, they walk beside the unwitting as funeral home owners or an aloof noble lines. While cannibalism is an inherently vile act, a ghoulish sorcerer is not always an evil soul. Many use their undead adjacent nature to hunt the true children of the night. They are scavenger, after all, not predators.
Ghoulish Mein At first 1st level, you gain resistance to necrotic damage due to your unnatural heritage. In addition, your mind is resilient to shock and you gain Advantage on saving throws against fear-based effects. Lastly, you gain a Bite melee weapon attack that has the finesse trait and deals 1d4 piercing damage.
Enervation Mastery Starting at 6th level, when you Cast a Spell that deals necrotic damage, you can add your Charisma modifier to one damage roll of that spell. At the same time, you can spend 1 sorcery point to gain Advantage on saving throws against the abilities and features of undead creatures for the next hour.
Necrophage At 14th level, you gain the ability to replenish your health by feasting on the corpses of those you have slain. You may, as an Action, spend 1 sorcery point and devour a significant portion of a humanoid creature and regain hit points equal to the creature's hit dice.
You are now resistant to poison damage and immune to the poisoned condition.
Ghastly Apotheosis Starting at 18th level, your being is altered by the necrotic energies flowing through it. You gain the following benefits:
You no longer need to eat, drink or sleep.
You are immune to necrotic damage.
You have resistance to bludgeoning, piercing and slashing damage from non-magical weapons.
You gain a Claw melee weapon attack with the finesse trait and deals 2d6 slashing damage. In addition, creatures hit by your Claw attack must succeed on a Constitution Saving throw equal to your Sorcerer spellcasting DC or be paralyzed for the next minute. At the end of each turn, an affected creature may repeat this saving throw with the effect ending on success.
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