Monks who study the way of the fallow harvest focus on disrupting their opponent's ki by studying the natural abilities of undead and necromantic scriptures. With these techniques, they not only ruin a foes' health but their connection to the living world as well. This dual destruction makes it easier for the monk to strike down all that oppose them. As they progress, practitioners of this brutal art learn how to harvest the negative energies bleeding from their victims to augment their bodies and souls.
Baleful Arts Starting at 3rd level, you use your ki to duplicate the effect of certain spells using your ki saving throw. As an action, you can spend 2 ki points to case hex, ray of enfeeblement or ray of sickness, without providing material components. However, ray of enfeeblement and ray of sickness have a reach of 5ft and require a melee spell attack roll instead of a ranged spell attack. Additionally, you gain the chill touch cantrip if you do not already have it.
Water the Dead Earth. At 6th level, when you hit another creature with a melee weapon attack that currently has Disadvantage due to one of your Baleful Arts abilities ( hex, ray of enfeeblement or ray of sickness,) you may use your Stunning Strike feature without spending a ki point. You may use this feature a number of times per day equal to your Wisdom modifier +1 (minimum 1). Whenever you complete a long rest you regain all spent uses of this feature.
Reap the Rotten. At 11th level, for the next minute whenever you successfully deal necrotic damage as part of a melee or ranged weapon attack to a creature you regain hit points equal to the necrotic damaged dealt. Once you use this feature you cannot use it again until after you finish a short or long rest.
Unhallowed Soul At 17th level, you gain immunity to poison and necrotic damage. In addition, in any time that you reduce poison or necrotic damage to zero you gain Advantage on all attacks until the end of turn. You may spend 3 ki points to also give these attacks a Critical Range of 19-20 until end of turn.
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