Little more than globes of anonymous flesh and teeth the tiny anathemas making up a chewing swarm are disgusting to behold and terrifying to face. Flowing effortlessly over its prey the swarm rarely seeks to devour it outright, but rather slither into its orifices or bite out new ones if necessary. Once inside they uses the warm insides as a sort of spawning pool. Though, the chewers rapidly bud instead of following any natural lifecycle. The new chewers need something to fuel their growth and the victim’s organs are the perfect treat. Within minutes a new chewing swarms ruptures out of the creatures internal cavity, ready to propagate. The swarm leaves behind a wake of burst corpses and greasy trails in its wake.
Mouther Kin: The origins of the chewing swarms can be traced back to, unsurprisingly, a mad wizard. The woman wasn’t always unhinged but as she studied the origins of unnamable horrors her mind fragmented. She delved deep into summoning all manners of abominations for study, cataloging their feeding habits and 'interactions' with other humanoids. The last part of her sanity to go was a sense of self-preservation. The wizard attempted to turn herself into an aberrant creature to best understand the objects of her obsession. After injecting herself with a concoction comprised of gibbering mouther spore she writhed in blinding pain as her body broke apart from the inside out until nothing remained but the first chewing swarm..
Chewing Swarm
Medium swarm of tiny abberations, choatic evil
Str 9 Dex 14 Con 12 Int 7 Wis 15 Cha 14
Senses darkvision 30ft, passive Perception 12
The chewing babbles incoherently while it can see any creature and isn't Incapacitated. Each creature that starts its turn within 20 feet of the swarm and can hear the gibbering must succeed on a DC 13 Wisdom saving throw. On a failure, the creature can't take reactions until the start of its next turn and rolls a d8 to determine what it does during its turn. On a 1 to 4, the creature does nothing. On a 5 or 6, the creature takes no action or Bonus Action and uses all its movement to move in a randomly determined direction. On a 7 or 8, the creature makes a melee attack against a randomly determined creature within its reach or does nothing if it can't make such an attack.
The swarm can occupy another creature's space and vice versa, and the swarm can move through any opening large enough for a Tiny creature. The swarm can't regain hit points or gain temporary hit points.
Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 0 ft., one target in the swarm's space. Hit: 20 (6d6) piercing damage, or 10 (3d6) piercing damage if the swarm has half of its hit points or fewer
Infest (Recharge 6)
The chewing swarm initiates a grapple attempt against a large or smaller creature with a +5 bonus. If successful the creature gains the grappled and blinded condition and must make a DC 13 Intelligence save as some of the swarm pushes into the creature's body via the mouth, nose, and eyes. On failure, the creature falls under the sway of the swarm as per Dominate Monster and the grapple immediately ends. On success, the mouther swarm continues to grapple and bite the creature. If the creature is reduced to 0 hit points while still dominated, a new chewing swarm bursts from its corpse in 1d4 days. If a greater Restoration spell or similar effect is used on a dominated creature this effect ends; the creature is poisoned until the end of its next turn as it expels dead chewers from its body. If the original chewing swarm dies and the creature is still dominated it reacts as oer the Gibbering ability above until slain, or cured.
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