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Showing posts from September, 2024

Well Mimic

The town mayor enjoyed a quick rise to power and fortune, for the small area he lived in, over the last year. However, he's grown sick as well, exhausted and restless. To cure his woes, he's paid your party to head to a lonely old hill where a well sat. The mayor said this is where his fortunes turned around for the better and there may be some clue as to his illness there too. The well seemed normal enough on approach, worn by the ages. Then undead shadows slithered up from the ground, but you managed to vanquish them. Now, you could investigate the well properly. Leaning over the edge to peer down into it, you noticed your hands stuck to the stone. Then the rope and bucket wrapped around your head, slimy and pink. The well mouth is now closing like a mouth. Roll for initiative. A strange creature indeed, the first well mimic was crafted by a bored djinn's hands. He invested a sliver of his power into the monstrosity and sculpted it to take the form of a well alone.