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Showing posts from July, 2024

Skip Mimic

There are three things that abandoned mines are full of: old tools, loot, and monsters. Your party decided to clear out a local one supposedly containing all three. Of course, treasure hunters who went in never came out. You've yet to figure out why. Sure, you've run across old, eaten carcasses and rusting tools but after hours of looking around no loot or monsters. Maybe your luck was changing though, as a corroded cart creaked into view at the edge of the torchlight. Loaded with glittering ore, something had to have pushed it but nothing is near it now. The party fanned out, approaching the abandoned cart and searching for whatever propelled it. Suddenly, the cart rocketed forward of its own volition, growing teeth and eyes as it jumped off the tracks, slammed into the wizard, and started spitting rocks at the rogue! The truth's unfolded, now it's time to roll initiative. The skip mimic was fostered by miners who discovered the mimic polyp abandoned in their mine....

Snare Mimic

You always thought being the party rogue was an easy gig. Sure, when fights erupted things could get hairy but most of the time you focused on unlocking doors and working on simple traps. What could be more simple than a hidden snare? It was almost embarrassing when you ran across a few on the floor. Getting rid of them should have been child's play, but your tools and hands got stuck to one just in front of the next door. Then it wrapped around your arm like a living thing, and now it's pulling you toward a hole... no a mouth in the wall! Roll of initiative. This mimic breed came into being because the first such monstrosity saw a roper and thought, I can do that and do it better. It took some work, but eventually, the mimic settled on becoming a wall section and extending pseudopods to wait. This meant weakening its overall tentacles, but the passive trap worked as expected. To compensate for the lost strength, the mimic evolved a more powerful bite than its peers. Its la...

Reaping Mimic

Another week, another encounter with the shambling dead. No one ever said being an adventurer was clean nor glamorous- but it pays well. Clearing out a zombie infestation came with a good payday, but damn it proved harder than expected. The blame lay on one particular zombie carrying a rusty, old scythe. Every time it cut down a hero, the shamblers around got stronger. So, you decided to take it out. Killing the lead zombie wasn't easy, they were as tough as they come, but when it fell another zombie shambled from the scythe. You snatched the weapon up only to find it sticking to your hands. Its blade sprouted teeth, its shaft eyes. Roll for initiative. A true terror, the reaping mimic is driven by the same instincts as the zombies it controls - hunger. The first of its ilk developed in a region plagued with undeath and thus bereft of the living. It grew sick of rotting food and shifted its focus on locomotion instead of ambush tactics. The mimic fostered a connection with the ...

Dead Mimic

The rash of zombie attacks throughout the city baffled both the guard and its heroes, but your party thought they tracked its source down. True enough, at the docks they ran across an undead dockhand and followed it into a run-down warehouse. Inside though, the zombie just wasn't there, only sparse, ramshackle crates. Maybe it was hiding in one of them? When you lifted the nearest lid, your skin shriveled as moisture leached from it. Glassy eyes and rotten teeth sprouted from the wood. Roll for Initiative. It's rare indeed when a mimic suffers the curse of undeath. Rare, but not impossible. The necrotic monstrosity which results remains a dangerous ambush predator. Sure, it loses its sticky nature but drains the bodily fluids from its victims instead. On top of that, it gains the ability to mimic undead creatures and proves just as hard to put down as any other zombie. Dead Mimic Medium undead (shapechanger), chaotic evil Armor Class 9 (natur...