The scouring gatekeeper is an unholy fusion of insect and man that is vaguely reminiscent of either a centaur or a chimera. The central part of its body resembles an ankheg with a desert brown shell. Where a head should be, the chitin blossoms into a chiselled human torso, arms and head. These limbs are covered with chitin plates of the same hue arranged like a muscle curious and tall helmet. From under the creature’s ‘mask’ hangs a mass of course, insectoid hairs easily mistaken for a beard. The gate keeper’s back end sports a sinnous tail with a mandible framed mouth full of human teeth. Lastly, the anathema carries a corroded bident, the points of which are framed from its shedding. Some have markings of smeared offal on their sides to denote their place in a haphazard hierarchy. Grotesque Guard. As The Pariah hold solidifies over a city, it is not only the downtrodden and mad who fall under his influence. Inevitably, whatever military is mustered to try and contain the plag...

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