The lithe humanoid bears the vague impression of a nose and a black-glass lens the forehead above it. This device runs the length of the synth lenser's cranium and fully replaces its eyes. At first glance, one might think this is due to a pale cloth drawn tight over its visage, but whenever the creature moves its plain that is some sort of artificial skin. The rest of its body is a smooth crimson shell of molded musculature. Raised, thicker and darker patches of skin form intricate patterns across its shoulders, down its spine and each arm. The synth lenser wears simple clothing, a crossed halter with spaulders attached; bracers and boots of a barbaric design. However, these accessories are crafted from materials not of this sphere. It’s left forearm is dominated by a thick bracer made of a strange, yellow metal etched with alien symbols. With a thought, the bracer rapidly unfolds like flower petals into a sigiled katar and back again. Spotter. The synth lenser's pu...

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