Standing forty-five feet tall, the Gigas is a mechanical work unrivalled across the globe. The construct’s body is roughly humanoid and comprised of interlocking, sandstone plates embossed with forgotten glyphs and dedications to dead deities. Its arms end in three-fingered gauntlets of meteorite metal which are attached to wenches and star-forged chains within the warmachine’s forearms. Its feet are merely wide stumps, not unlike an elephant, scrolled with the bas-relief of a landscape from before recorded history and stained from the countless lives the Gigas has stamped out. Its stone-wings match the eagle-like head between jewel-encrusted shoulders. While the appendages bear no articulation the powerful, forgotten magic etched into each stone pinion allows the truly massive statue to fly. Its head sports a single eye of an impossibly large ruby, and a likewise ludicrous-sized sapphire is inset in the construct’s sternum. The Gigas’s beak is hinged, so it might open it to roar and ...

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