It was strange to find a crystal ball among the vine-smothered ruins, but there it was dim and lifeless atop a thin, spiraling pedestal of verdigris and tarnished silver. Held in place by a four-fingered claw, surely this valuable treasure was trapped, you suspected. However, a close examination should render any such devices inert. Spindly legs ending on sharp points popped out the sides as you approached. The construct skittered back and forth unsure, the crystal ball rotating toward you as a wither, yellow eye blazed to life in its depths. Roll for initiative. Built by long-dead arcanists, Crystal Mauls entrapped the soul of a condemned prisoner in a crystal sphere. At the time, the belief was they could repay their debt to society in the form of a servitor designed for demolition. As such, the constructs can conjure a bolt of pure necrotic energy ideal for clearing unwanted plant growth, ruining objects, and slaying the unsettled masses as the need arises. However, the soul...

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